Hey everyone, this blog is being moved. We are switching to a different format and that should be up and running soon, as well as new shirts, and updates from the entire diVide crew. Thanks for sticking with us...
Since my Bukowski phase has come and gone, I have reconnected with a writer that I've always admired. I cant put down the Lester Bangs anthology "Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung", a collection of early rock criticisms, essays and glorious rants on all things music. Pick it up for yourself if you appreciate scathing critiques, a twisted wit, and rock&roll. From Bangs himself, "Corporations are social organizations, the theater in which men and women realize or fail to realize purposeful and productive lives". Do yourself a service and check him out HERE...
Its remarkable when a Taco stand with the craziest hours on earth is a James Beard award winner, but Yucas on Hillhurst is just that. Known for there amazing pork tacos, tortas, and burritos, this place is a must-visit. Normally Beard awards are only given to fancy dining establishments,but Yucas is truly a shack institution, located on Hillhurst Ave. in Los Feliz. Check them out HERE, and remember, its cash only....
Interesting article over at VALET magazine, making a great case for buying heritage American made products. Heres an exerpt- " In Japan, consumers want English things to be from England, French things to be from France and American things to be made in America. It's a quality that I believe is derived from a devotion to authenticity. Portland, Oregan-based Danner is a perfect example of the type of company the Japanese love to support. Danner, which is often over-looked by the newly minted throngs of Red Wing admirers, has been making quality boots in America since the early 1930s. It's about time we as Americans hold companies that shun domestic manufacturing to as high of standards as our Japanese friends." - Michael Williams
Coming out of Minnesota in the early eighties as the front man for The Replacements, Paul Westerberg has influenced most singer-songwriters who have followed him. From his early punk rock days to his latest basement recordings, the master lyricist still continues to be one of the only voices of truth in music today. Check him out HERE....