Today we meet Lucie Kara, the girl that runs the show...
1) Name, title at Divide?
Lucie Kara, assistant to Milo Ventimiglia and Russ Cundiff
2)How long have you been with us?
I've been with these crazy kids since October'07
3)How did you get started with Divide?
After selling my soul to the dev...err Lynda Obst for a year and playing
assistant to a perv..err agent at ICM, I decided I wanted to try my hand at
production. Divide's anonymous job posting for an assistant enticed me. What
was supposed to be a temporary 1-month position ended up lasting over a year
until the present.Apparently, and I know Russ and Milo will agree, I was
just too loveable to let go.
4)Favorite Divide memory from your time here?
My favorite memory is when Russ broke it down to me about Milo's
celebritydom, mainly how he is nowhere near the level of us laypeople and
therefore shouldn't be treated as such. (i.e. it is absolutely NOT OK for
Milo to use the rough, generic brand of toilet paper that us mortals use).
5) Where do you see Divide in 5 years, 10 years?
In 10 years I see Divide Divided into many smaller companies
representing specific niches, while the head honcho works from home (leaving
only once a day to retrieve baconators).
6) What landed you the job here at Divide?
After a series of grueling (and I mean grueling) interviews I landed the
gig. I was driving out from Orange County at the time and they would have me
back literally every other day just to be sure I was the one...at the end of
the day, totally worth it :-) They told me I got the job because of some
well written script notes, but I'm pretty sure it was because like Russ, I
was obsessed with The Hills. My first week on the job I was receiving
incessant phone calls from a "Susan Klixbull" who I later learned was second
in line for the position. I did not return her calls.
7) What is the craziest thing you have had to do at work?
Though its hard to narrow down between sweeping cobwebs off the roof, and
almost getting shanked by MS-13, I'd have to say making a scrapbook-collage
of pictures for Russ' grandmother Lillian's 90th birthday takes the cake.
8) What do you want to be when you grown up
When I'm all growed up, I really want to make it in this business, like
Divide's former assistant.